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Un-audited Financial Results for the Quarter ended 30 <sup>th</sup> September, 2015

1st November, 2015


Rs. in crores


  Consolidated Standaloneted
Particulars Q2FY'16 Q2FY'15 Q2FY'16 Q2FY'15
Net Sales 5,951 5,721 5,621 5,379
PBIDT 1,103 987 1,033 951
PAT 427 414 394 410


UltraTech Cement Limited, an Aditya Birla Group Company, today announced its unaudited financial results for the quarter ended 30th September, 2015.



Net Sales at RS 5,951 crores was higher by RS 230 crores as compared to RS 5,721 crores in the corresponding period of the previous year. Profit before Interest, Depreciation and Tax at RS 1,103 crores and Profit after Tax at RS 427 crores rose by RS 116 crores and RS 13 crores respectively.


The combined cement and clinker sales was 11.51 MnT (11.17 MnT) while it was 3.22 LmT (2.99 LmT) for white cement and wall care putty.


During the quarter, domestic cement sales volume increased by 5% as compared to the same quarter last year. While operating costs were lower as compared to the previous year on account of lower energy costs, the benefit was partially offset due to the District Mineral Foundation levy in terms of the provisions of the Mines and Minerals (Development) Amendment Act, 2015.


On a standalone basis Net Sales stood at RS 5,621 crores as compared to RS 5,379 crores in the corresponding period of the previous year.


Profit before Interest, Depreciation and Tax is RS 1,033 crores up from RS 951 crores last year and Profit after Tax is RS 394 crores vis-a-vis RS 410 crores that included a tax benefit of RS 70 crores on long-term investment incomes. On a like-for-like basis, PAT has grown by 16% in Q2FY'16.



The Company's on-going capex program is on track. During the quarter, UltraTech commissioned – (i) 1.6 mtpa Grinding Unit at Jhajjar, Haryana and (ii) 1.6 mtpa Grinding Unit at Dankuni, West Bengal. As a result cement capacity is enhanced to 64.7 mtpa in India. The Company also commissioned a 2.0 mtpa Bulk Terminal on the outskirts of Pune, Maharashtra. With the further commissioning of a 5 MW Waste Heat Recovery System at Rawan, Chhattisgarh, power generation from waste heat recovery stands augmented to 53 MW.



With the Governments' focus on infrastructure development, housing sector, smart cities, roads etc., UltraTech is well positioned across the country to meet the expected rise in demand and participate in the next phase of growth in the country.