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Mirror Direction as Per Vastu at Home and Office

Understand the power of Vastu Shastra by determining the appropriate mirror direction as per Vastu in your home and office. Enhance positivity and prosperity effortlessly with properly placed mirrors as guided by the principles of Vastu.


Key Takeaways


  • Mirrors, when placed in accordance with Vastu Shastra, can amplify and attract positive energy into your home and office.


  • Avoid placing mirrors directly opposite to the bed to prevent distress and health issues, aligning with Vastu for well-being.


  • Positioning mirrors on the north or east walls of the living room can bring wealth and good fortune by reflecting symbols of bounty.


  • A mirror placed on the northern or eastern wall of an office can symbolize new opportunities and growth by reflecting open spaces or doorways.


  • Following specific Vastu recommendations—like avoiding mirrors facing the bed, using full-length mirrors for complete energy reflection, and ensuring mirrors do not reflect clutter—ensures a harmonious energy flow.


  • The strategic mirror location as per Vastu transcends aesthetic considerations, fostering an environment of positivity, prosperity, and harmony.

Vastu Shastra, an age-old Indian science of architecture and spaces, holds the key to unlocking harmony and positive energy in our daily environments. This traditional wisdom guides the placement and orientation of various elements within spaces to achieve optimum benefits. Among these elements, mirror direction as per vastu has a crucial role due to its ability to reflect and amplify energies. The direction in which a mirror is placed can significantly impact the vibes of a home or office, influencing not just the ambience but also the well-being and prosperity of its inhabitants. In this blog, we will explore the principles of mirror placement as per Vastu in both home and office settings. We aim to provide simple, actionable insights for a mirror as per Vastu that you can use to transform and uplift your spaces.

What is the Mirror Direction for Home and Office According to Vastu?

Mirror direction as per Vastu refers to the position or placement of mirrors within your home or office. This placement is not random but follows certain rules or principles for the best results. According to Vastu, mirrors have the power to absorb and reflect energy, and they can magnify the energy of whatever they reflect. When placed properly, mirrors can increase the positive energy of a space. On the other hand, if placed wrongly, they can do just the opposite.


Essentially, mirror direction as per Vastu is all about where and how to place mirrors in your home or office to bring the most positivity and to eliminate any possible negative energy. Human well-being is strongly connected to our environment, by making conscious changes in our living and working areas and following mirror directions, Vastu can bring noticeable improvements in the mood and overall health of people dwelling or working there.

Tips for Mirror Placement as per Vastu at Home and Office


1) Mirror in Bedroom Vastu

When it comes to the vastu tips for the bedroom, it suggests being very cautious with mirror placement. Ideally, mirrors should not be placed directly opposite the bed or where they reflect a person sleeping. This is because it is believed to cause distress and health issues to the person. To align with the mirror direction as per Vastu, it's preferable to place mirrors on the north or east walls of the bedroom, ensuring they do not face the bed directly. It is also recommended to keep the mirror covered when not in use, particularly at night, to prevent any negative effects on your personal energy.


Also Read: Vastu Tips For The Bedroom


2) Mirrors in Living Room Vastu

The living room is an area where you can use mirrors to create a sense of spaciousness and brightness. Following the mirror direction as per Vastu, the optimal placement for mirrors is on the north or east walls. This is thought to attract wealth and good luck to the inhabitants. Make sure that the mirror faces the dining table or any other place that signifies wealth or bounty, as this can effectively double the prosperity energy through reflection.


Also Read: Vastu Tips for Living Room


3) Mirrors in Office Vastu

In the office setting, mirrors should be positioned so that they enhance clarity and the flow of positive energy. Following the principles of mirror direction as per Vastu, a mirror placed on the northern or eastern wall of the office can reflect the view of an open space or doorway, which symbolises new opportunities and growth. It is important to avoid placing mirrors directly in front of a workstation as it can lead to increased stress and distraction. Also, be mindful that mirrors should not reflect any unfinished projects or clutter, as this could symbolically double the workload and hinder productivity.

Also Read: Vastu Shastra Chart for Home

Do's and Dont's for Mirror Location as Per Vastu




1) Place mirrors on the north or east walls: This is ideal for attracting positive energy.


2) Use mirrors to reflect beautiful views: Placing a mirror where it can reflect nature or a lovely artwork doubles the positive vibes.


3) Keep mirrors clean and clear: Cleanliness in mirrors is crucial as it ensures the reflection of pure and positive energy.


4) Use full-length mirrors: Such mirrors ensure the reflection of the whole body, which avoids cutting off energy flow.


5) Place mirrors to enhance light: If your space is dim, position mirrors to reflect natural light and brighten your home or office.




1) Avoid mirrors facing the bed: This is particularly important in bedrooms, as it's believed to cause unrest and health issues.


2) Stay away from fragmented or broken mirrors: These can lead to broken or fragmented energy in your home or office.


3) Don't place mirrors directly opposite any door: This includes both the main entrance and doors within the home, as it can push the energy away.


4) Avoid reflecting negative images: Mirrors should not reflect clutter, garbage bins, or any source of negative energy.


5) Don't use old, tarnished mirrors: These can distort reflections and energy, and are considered inauspicious in Vastu Shastra.


By following these simple dos and don'ts of the mirror direction as per Vastu and careful mirror placement as per Vastu, you can optimise the flow of positive energy in your home and office.

In conclusion, the placement of mirrors in your home or office, according to Vastu Shastra, goes beyond mere aesthetics. It is about directing energy to create a space that resonates with positivity, prosperity, and harmony. Whether you're redesigning your space or just shifting a mirror, these small aspects of mirror direction as per Vastu can have profound effects on your well-being and success.


Frequently Asked Questions


1. How can I determine the right mirror position as per Vastu Shastra in my home?

To determine the right position, focus on placing mirrors on the north or east walls. Avoid reflecting negative objects, ensure mirrors don’t face beds, and try to reflect something beautiful or abundant to double its positive energy.


2. Can we keep the mirror facing north?

Yes, keeping a mirror facing north is considered auspicious according to Vastu Shastra. It is believed to attract wealth and prosperity into your home or office.


3. Are there recommendations as per Vastu for mirrors in the office, especially in the reception area?

In the reception area, placing a mirror on the north or east wall is recommended. It should not reflect the entrance or any clutter, to maintain a flow of positive energy and welcome opportunities.


4. Is it ok to put a mirror facing the stairs?

It is generally not recommended to place a mirror facing stairs as per Vastu. This can lead to energy being bounced around too much, causing restlessness and instability.


5. Can we keep the mirror facing east?

Yes, a mirror facing east is considered positive in Vastu Shastra. It helps in absorbing the morning sunlight, bringing in positive vibes and energy to the start of your day.

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