About Us
Intimation Investor Meeting - 21.03.2025.pdf
Intimation Investor Meeting - 20.03.2025.pdf
Cement capacity debottlenecking - 19.03.2025
Intimation Investor Meeting - 19.03.2025
Intimation Investor Meeting - 18.03.2025
Intimation Investor Meeting - 17.03.2025
Intimation Investor Meeting- 12.03.2025
Credit Rating - Care Ratings.pdf
SE Letters - NCD allotment
Board meeting intimation Q4 FY25
GST Intimation - 28.02.2025 J&K.pdf
GST Intimation - 28.02.2025 Odisha.pdf
Intimation Investor Meeting - 28.02.2025
SE Letter Scheme Effectiveness.pdf
SE Letter.pdf
GST intimation-25022025 Kalaburagi.pdf
GST Intimation-25022025 Nagpur Maharashtra.pdf
GST Intimation 20-02-2025.pdf
Payment Intimation SE
Intimation Investor Meeting 25.02.2025.pdf
Intimation Investor Meeting 24.02.2025.pdf
GST Intimation 18.02.2025.pdf
GST Intimation 17.02.2025.pdf
Intimation Investor Meeting - 20.02.2025.pdf
Intimation investor Meeting - 19.02.2025
SE Letter - GST - 13.02.25.pdf
SE Karur Cement capacity addition
Intimation Investor Meeting - 17.02.2025
Intimation Investor Meeting - 12.02.2025
Intimation Investor Meeting - 06.02.2025
SE Letter - Sonar Bangla Capacity Addition
SE Letter GST - 02.02.2025
SEintimation29012025-Change in Management
GST Order - Patna
Earning Call FY 25 - 23.01.2025
GST Order - bhopal 08012025
Board meeting intimation Q3 FY25 - revised
Acquisition - SE intimation 27.12.2024
Intimation Investor Meeting - 26.12.2024
India Cement Post Acquisition -Reg 30
GST Order - Ujjain 24.12.2024
Clean Max Sapphire Reg 30 - 24.12.2024
GST Order - Ujjain 24.12.2024(2)
India Cements - CCI Approval
Intimation Investor Meeting - 19.12.2024
Intimation Investor Meeting - 18.12.2024
Intimation Investor Meeting 17.12.2024
Intimation Investor Meeting - 05.12.2024
Intimation Investor Meeting - 04.12.2024
Board meeting intimation Q3 FY25
Intimation Investor Meeting - 02.12.2024.pdf
IntimationvInvestor Meeting - 29.11.2024
Intimation Investor Meeting - 28.11.2024.pdf
SE Letter Allotment NCDs
Intimation Investor Meeting - 20.11.24 & 21.11.24
SE_Finance Committee Outcome
Intimation Investor Meeting-18-11-24
SE Pre-intimation
Intimation Investor Meeting - 12.11.2024 Oaktree Capital
Intimation Investor Meeting - 12.11.2024
Stock Exchange Intimation_Increase in share capital
Stock Exchange Intimation_grant of stock options
IntimationInvestorMeeting 23.10.2024
Statement of Deviation - Variation
Related Party Transaction Report
GST Letter - 15.10.2024
GST Letter Update - 11.10.2024 Raipur
GST Letter -11.10.2024
Excercise of options under ESOS -08.08.2024
Earning Call FY 25 - 21.10.2024
Continuum MP Windfarm Development Private Limited - reg 30 disclosure
Newspaper Advertisement Postal Ballot
Reg30 Indore High Court Order
Stock Exchange _Postal Ballot
Intimation Investor Meeting - 26.09.2024
Intimation Investor Meeting - 25.09.2024
IntimationInvestorMeeting - 16.09.24, 17.09.24, 18.09.24
Intimation Investor Meeting-13-09-24
Intimation Investor Meeting-13-09-24
Intimation Investor Meeting - 04.09.2024
Board meeting intimation Q2 FY25
GST Letter - 01.09.2024
GST Letter - 31.08.2024
GST Letter - 30.08.2024
Press Release - 26.08.2024
IntimationInvestorMeeting - 26.08.2024
IntimationInvestorMeeting - 21.08.2024
IntimationInvestorMeeting - 16.08.2024
GST Letter 14.08.2024
24th AGM Proceedings
IntimationInvestorMeeting - 12.08.2024.pdf
GSTLetter 06.08.2024
SELetter_28 July
Newspaper Advertisment - Financial Results.pdf
Grant of Stock Options - 19.07.2024.pdf
Newspaper Advertisment - AGM notice.pdf
Investment in Equity Share Capital
Intimation to the shareholders holding shares in physical Mode
Commissioning of cement capacity and de-bottlenecking
Investor Meeting 16.06.2024.pdf
Investor Meeting 11.06.2024.pdf
Investor Meeting 07.06.2024.pdf
Investor Meeting 06.06.2024.pdf
Investor Meeting 03.06.2024.pdf
BM Q1FY25.pdf
Investor Meeting 01.06.2024.pdf
Investor Meeting 30.05.2024.pdf
IEPF Ad-SE Intimation 2024.pdf
Investor Meeting 27.05.2024.pdf
Investor Meeting 23.05.2024.pdf
Investor Meeting 22.05.2024.pdf
Investor Meeting 21.05.2024.pdf
Intimation Meeting 18052024.pdf
Intimation Meeting 20052024.pdf
Investor Meeting 14.05.2024.pdf
ESOP Grant
GST letter 09052024
GST letter 01052024
Related Party Transaction Report.xlsm
Mining Order 29_03_2024
Acquisiton O2 Power
ESOS Allotment
Investor Meeting 19.03.2024
Investor Meeting 15.03.2024.pdf
Investor Meeting 14.03.2024.pdf
Investor Meet_13_03_2024.pdf
Investor Meet_12_03_2024.pdf
Investor Meet_11_03_2024.pdf
Investor Meet_09_03_2024.pdf
Investor Meet_06_03_2024.pdf
ESOS Allotment01032024
Investor Meeting 02022024
Security Cover Q3 FY24.pdf
Letein Valley Incorporation.pdf
Acquisition Amplus Ages.pdf
Gst Letter 05-01-2024.pdf
CG Issuance Usd 147 m.pdf
Gst Letter 04-01-2024.pdf
Change In Senior Mangement Personnel Chro.pdf
Gst Letter 02-01-2024.pdf
Sales Volume Data Q3 FY24
Gst Letter 31-12-2023.pdf
Gst Letter 29-12-2023.pdf
Gst Letter 22-12-23.pdf
Gst Order 21-12-2023.pdf
Clean Max Acquisition
Gst Orders 19-12-2023
Intimation Gst Order 12-12-2023
bmintimation Q3 FY24
Out Come of BM Kesoram
Investor Meet 27-11-2023
Investor Meet 21.11.2023
Allotment Of Shares
Gst Demand
Investor Meet 06.11.2023
Issuance of Corporate Guarantee
Utcl Letter Capacity Pr
Press Release (Results)
UTCL Utilisation 52(7)
UTCL Security Cover 54(2)
UTCL Results Q2 FY24
UAE Media Release
Sales Volume Q2 FY24
Conference Call Q2 FY24
Investor Meeting 25092023
UTCL SE 21092023
Investor Meeting 20092023
Investor Meeting 14092023
Investor Meeting 08092023
Investor Meeting 07092023
Investor Meeting 05092023
BM Intimation Q2 FY24
Investor Meeting 30082023
Investor Meeting 23082023
Investor Meeting 22082023
Investor Meet 28.07.2023
Investor Meet 26.07.2023
SE Newspaper Financial Results
Investor Meet 25.07.2023
Newspaper Results Q1 FY24
Earnings Call Q1 FY24
Investor Meet 24.07.2023
UTCL Results Q1 FY24
UTCL Utilisation 52(7)
UTCL Security Cover 54(2)
Newspaper Post AGM
Pre AGM Newspaper AD
AGM and Book Closure 17072023
Sonar Bangla Capacity
SE Letter Sales Volume
Q1 FY24 Earning Call
Intimation 57(4) June 2023
Investor Meeting 20062023
Investor Meeting 09062023
Investor Meeting 14 & 15-06-2023
Investor Meeting 07062023
TDS Letter 05062023
Investor Meeting 05062023
Q1 FY24 BM Intimation
Investor Meeting 02062023
IEPF Ad-SE Intimation 2023
Investor Meeting 29052023
Investor Meeting 25.05.2023
Investor Meeting 22052023
SE Neem Ka Thana
Investor Meeting 09052023
Investor Meeting 02052023
Newspaper Results Q4 FY 23
Earnings Call Audio Q4 FY23
Related Party Return H2 FY23
Scheme of Amalgamation UNCL
Amendment to AoA
Utilisation 52 (7)
Security Cover 54 (2)
UTCL Results Q4 FY 23
Revised Investor Call
Patliputra Commissioning April 23
UTCL Intimation Under 57(5)
UltraTech Sales Volume
Allotment of ESOS 24 March
Intimation Under Reg 57(4)
Investor Meet 2403
Allotment of ESOS 2203
Investor Meeting 2203
Investor Meeting - 1503
Investor Call Q4FY23
BM Intimation April 23
Investor Meeting 2802
Investor Meeting 2702
Investor Meeting 2302
Investor Meeting 2202
Investor Meeting 2102
Investor Meeting 200223
Investor Meeting 2002
Hirmi Cuttack 1602
Investor meet 1402
Investor Meeting 1002
Investor Meeting 0902
Investor Meeting 0802
Jharsuguda Capacity Feb 23
Investor Meeting 0702
Allotment of ESOS Feb 23
Investor Meeting 310123
Investor Meeting 3001
UTCL Oman letter 3001
Earnings Call Letter 23012023
Newspaper Results Q3FY22
UTCL Utilisation
UTCL Security Cover
UTCL Results Q3 FY23
BM Intimation Q3 FY23
Allotment of ESOS 0301
Call Invite Q3 FY23
Allotment of ESOS 0411
Intimation under57 5Dec2022.pdf
Closure of Trading Window Q3 FY23
Intimation under 57 (4) 23122022
Investor Meeting 2012
Pali Commissioning
Investor Meeting 0712
Commissioning cement capacity Dhule and Dhar
Investor Meeting 29-30 Nov
Investor Meeting 2311
Investor Meeting 2111
Company Update (BW)
Investor Meeting 1511
Investor Meeting 1411
Investor Meeting 1011
Investor Meeting 0911
Investor Meeting 0811
Investor Meeting 0711
Investor Meeting 0411
Investor Meeting 0211
Investor Meeting 0111
Investor Meeting 3110
Newspaper Financial results Q2 FY23
Related Party Transaction H1 FY23
Grant of Stock Option
Security Cover Certificate 54(2)
UTCL Results Q2 FY23
Intimation Under 57(5) 07102022
BM Intimation and Earnings Call Q2 FY23
Shut Period Q2 FY23
Investor Meeting 2909
Intimation under 57(4) 23092022
Investor Meeting 2209
Investor Meeting 1909
Investor Meeting 1609
Investor Meeting 1409
Investor Meeting 0909
Investor Meeting 0809
Investor Meeting 0709
Allotment of ESOS 0509
Investor Meeting 2908
Commissioning of Capacity Dalla Aug22
Investor Meeting 2408
Investor Meeting 220822
AGM Proceedings
Intimation Investor Meeting
Investor Meeting 10.8.2022
Investor Meeting 08082022
ESG Meeting Intimation
AGM Newspaper Ad
Investor Meeting 2507
Q1 FY23 Financials Newspaper
Grant of ESOS
Earnings Call Letter
Re-appointment of MD
Intimation for ESOS
UltraTech Results Q1 FY23
Investor Call Q1 FY23
Pre Newspaper AGM Notice and Book Closure
AGM and Book Closure
Q1 FY23 Board Meeting Intimation
Allotment of ESOS 0407
News Clarification RPS.pdf
Intimation Under 57_5
IEPF Newspaper
Closure of Trading Window Jul 22
Intimation under 57(4)
Investor Meeting 2106
Investor Meeting 1606
Investor Meeting 1506
Investor Meeting 1306
Investor Meeting 10.06.2022
Investor Meeting 07-06-2022
Investor Meeting 06 06
Capacity Expansion 02 06
Investor Meeting 02 06
Deduction of Tax Shareholder Comm 2022
Investor Meeting 3105
Investor Meeting 2405
Investor Meeting 2305
Investor Meeting 2005
Commissioning Of Clinkerisation Unit HCW
Investor Meeting 1705
Intimation - Transfer of Shares
Newspaper Results Q4FY22
Investor Meet 0205
Covering Letter - Earnings Call Final
UTCL RPT Return H2 FY22
UTCL Q4 FY22 Results
Investmentinequity RAK
Call Invite Q4FY22
Intimation 57(5)
RTA name Change
Intimation of BM Q4FY22
3B disinvestment
Investor Meeting 3003
Investor Meeting 2903
Closure of Trading Window Apr22
Investor Meeting 25-3-2022
Intimation 57(4)
Allotment of ESOS - March 2022
Letter Corporate Dossier
Investor Meeting 2303
Investor Meeting 21-3-22
Investor Meeting 1603
Investor Meeting 1503 additional
Investor Meeting 1503
Investor meeting 0903
Investor Meeting 0803
Invest Meet 0102-03
Investor Meeting 2402
Investor Meeting 2202
Investor Meeting 1702
Investor Meeting 1602
Investor Meeting 1502
Investor Meeting 1402
Investor Meeting 0910-02
Allotment Of ESOS 0402
Investor Meeting 0302
Investor Meeting 3101
Investor Meeting 2801
Investor Meeting 2401
NLCPL Acquisition
News Paper Results Q3FY22
Results Q3FY22
Bara GU
Intimationunder 57 (5)
Conference call Q3FY22
Allotment of ESOS
Board Meeting Q3FY22
Closure of Trading Window Jan 22
Intimation under 57 (4)
Bulk Terminal
Investor Meeting 1712
Investor Meeting 1512
Investor Meeting 1412
Limestone Block e-auction
Investor Meeting 101221
Investor Meeting 0612
Allotment of ESOS
Bicharpur Coal Mine Announcement
Investor Meeting 0112
Investor Meeting 3011
Press Release FICCI Award
Investor Meeting 2411
Investor Meeting 18-1911
Investor Meeting 1711
Investor Meeting 1211
Investor Meeting 1011
PR-Net Zero
Investor Meeting 0811
Investor Meeting 2910
Grant of stock options
Investor Meeting 01112021
News paper results Q2 FY22
Financial Results-correction
UTCL financial results Q2 FY22
Additional Information Capacity addition
Commisioning of capacity Oct21
Intimation under57 (4)
Investor Call Q2FY22
Allotment of ESOS- 05/10/2021
Closure of Trading window Oct21
Press Realease - Climate week
Investor Meeting 1509
Investor meet 1309
Intimation of Investor Meeting 0809
Allotment of ESOS 0709
Intimation of Investor Meeting 0709
Investor meeting 0309
Investor Meeting 2708
Investor Meeting 2608
Investor Meeting 16082021
Investor Meeting 17082021
21 AGM Proceedings
Investor Meeting 200821
Investor Meeting 1308
Allotment of ESOS
IEPF newspaper 0906
Investor Meeting 2807
AGM Newspaper Publication
Newspaper Results Q1FY22
Repayment of loan 2207
Grant of Stock Options 2207
Quarterly Results Q1FY22 - 2207
Newspaper Advertisement 20.07.2021
Intimation of AGM and Book Closure date
Investor meet 0406
Investor Meeting 0306
Investor Call Q1FY22
Closure of Trading Window.
Investor Meeting 1606
Investor Meeting 1506 (second)
Investor Meeting 1506
Allotment of ESOS
TDS on Dividend Letter
UTCL commissioning of capacity
UTCL Investor Meet & Corporate Dosssier
Intimation of Investor Meeting
Financial Results Newspaper Advertisement
Q3FY16 BM intimation newspaper
Investor Meet Letter
Q3FY16 BM Intimation
BM Notice Q1 FY 18
Newspaper Results Q1FY18
Newspaper Results Q2 FY18
BM Newspaper Notice Q2FY18
Investor Call Q4FY18
Press Release Dhar Commissioning
Newspaper Financial Results
Securing Limestone mining block
Investor Call - Q1FY19
Investor Meeting_19_20 September
Investor Call Q2FY19
Postal Ballot Newspaper
Binani NCLAT approval intimation
Investor Meeting and Corporate Dossier Nov 18
Investor Meet - 12-03-2019
Postal Ballot Results Newspaper 2019
Board Meeting newspaper Intimation
Annual Secretarial Compliance Certificate
Investor meeting 21.05.19
Century Newspaper AD
UltraTech - Inland Letter - 2019.cdr
Newspaper Results Q1FY20
Century Allotment
Investor Call Q2FY20
Newspaper BM Intimation Q2FY20
Newspaper Results Q3
Binani updated 20-11-18
Investor call Q4FY20
BM Intimation Q4FY20
Annual Report 2019-20
Investor Meeting 22-11-19
UTCL RPT disclosures 30-09-2019
SBICAP Certificate
RPT Transaction 31.03.2021
Commissioned Worlds First Zero discharged Ready Mix Concrete plant
Newspaper Advertisement regarding notice of 19th Annual General Meeting and Book closure
Re-constitution of Board of Director
Update on Scheme of Demerger
Binani Update 19-11-2018
Update CCI Order
BM Intimation 30-09-2018
Investor Meeting 16-08-18
Newspaper Results Q1FY19
Karvy name change letter
Investor meet 28-19 nov
Dhar Commissioning Intimation June 18
Book Closure and Evoting - Newspaper
Book Closure Intimation 2018
Binani Media Release
Stock exchange intimation
Investor Meeting and Presentation
Binani acquisition SE intimation
Investor meeting Intimation Mar 18
Investor Meet Jan 2018
Intimation of Investor Meeting 15.11.2017
Intimation of Investor Meet 14.11.2017.
Investor Meet Oct Nov 17
Investor Meet Aug 17
RTA Name change - BSE-NSE
BM Intimation June 2017
AGM and Book Clousre Newspaper Notice
Appointment of Independent director 10.01.20
Newspaper BM Notice.
BM January_Newspaper Advt.
Debenture prior intimation
Investor Call Q3FY20
BARA GU commissioning
Debenture allotment intimation
Investor Presentation
Company Update
CCM Results of voting
Update CCI Order 31 08 16
Resignation of Directors
Investo Meeting
Coal Linkage 02.08.2016
Coal Linkage 28.07.2016
Coal Linkage 26.07.2016
SE Intimations COVID19
Q1FT16 BM Intimation
BSE NSE Intimation
BM Notice Newspaper AD
Shut period Intimation
Newspaper advertisement AGM
BSE 9.6.2016
Resignation Usha Sangwan
Investor meeting-9.6.2016
Newspaper Results Q4FY20
Investor Conference 1.6.16
Company Update
Investor Conference 31.05.2016
Investor Conference May 2016
Secretarial Auditors
RTA Newspaper Advertisement
Letter for change in connectivity-RTA
FY16 Results newspaper publication
Letter to Stock Exchange Change in RTA
Newspaper BM intimation 25.04.16
Investor Meet 01.06.2020
Related Party Disclosures 31.03.2020
Investor Meet 04.06.2020
Shareholders Communication - Deduction of tax at source on divident
Impact of COVID 19
Investor meet 8-12 June
Investor Call Acquisition of 22.4 mtpa cement capacityNew
Company Update - Acquisition
Company Update Scheme of Arrangement
Investor Meet Intimation
Intimation of AGM and BookClosure
AGM Newspaper (pre)
Changes in Directorate
Newspaper BM intimation Q1FY21
BM Intimation Q1FY21
Newspaper-Financial Results Q1FY21
Investor Call Q1FY21
Newspaper AGM Book Closure
Investor Meeting 11.08.20
AGM Proceedings on 12th August
Appointment of Director
Investor Meeting 17-19 Aug
Investor Meeting 31 Aug-3 sept
Intimation of Investor Meeting 8 sept
Investor Meeting 14-18 Sept
Investor Meet 22.09.2020
BM Q2FY21 Intimation
Investor call - Q2FY21
Grant of stock options - ESOS 2018
Newspaper copy - BM Intimation
Newspaper Results Q2FY21
Investor Meeting 10.11
Investor Meeting 18.11
RPT 30092020
Investor Meeting 6 Nov 2020
Intimation - Debenture Allotment
BM Intimation Q3FY21
Investor Meet - 11.02.2021
Investors Meet - 15.02.2021
Investors meet - 17.02.2021
Investors meet - 18.02.2021
Investors meet - 26.02.2021
Investors Meet - 01.03.2021
ESOS Allotment - 02.03.2021
Intimation of closure of trading window
Investors Meet - 19.03.2021
Earning Call Revised Q4FY21
Earning Call Q4FY2021 revised again
Re-appointment AD
UTCL Results Q4FY21
Investor meet 270521
Allotment of Debentures
BM Intimation Q3FY20
Debenture issue UTCL
Investor Meet 16 17 Dec
Grant of Stock Options
Investor meet 3105
Secretarial Compliance Report
Investor Meeting 2605
Investor meet 2005
Investor meet 19.05.2021
Result Newspaper Q4FY21
Earning call Q4FY21
Newspaper BM intimation Q4FY21
BM intimation Q4FY21
Prepaid Loan
Initial Disclosure LC
Annual Disclosure LC
Covering letter_Acquisition of JAL_JCCL cement units_CCI approval_BSE
BM Intimation Newspaper
Earning Calls Q2FY17.
Investor Meeting_8_9 September
Investors Meet - 17.03.2021
Newspaper Q2FY17 Results New
Investors Meet - 16.03.2021
Investors Meet - 15.03.2021
General Disclosure - 3B Binani
Media Release - SBTi
Investors Meet - 10.03.2021
Corporrate Presentation Nov 2016
BM intimation Q2FY17
Investors Meet - 09.03.2021
Investors Meet - 04.03.2021
BM news paper Marathi
BM news papers
Newspaper Results Q3FY17
Investors Meet - 25.02.2021
Investor Meeting 9 feb 2017
Investors Meet - 24.02.2021
Investor Meeting 22 feb 2017
Investor Meet - 22.02.2021
Allotment USD Notes - 16.02.2021
BM Intimation 24 04 2017
Bangladesh disclosure
Investor meet Nov 19
Newspaper Results Q4 FY17
Investor meeting Mar 17
Outcome FC 08022021
Outcome of Finance Committee Meeting
Investor meet 03022021
Change in Director Renuka Ramnath
AGM and Book Clousre Newspaper Notice
Company Update CCI Order
GM Dave retirement
Investor Call Aug 19
Investor meet 4 5 sept
Investor Meet- 29-01-2021
Investor Meet 09 10 09
DJSI Intimation
Newspaper Results Q3FY21
BSENSE BM Intimation
UltraTech Results and LR
Media Release - UltraTech Cement Limited amongst India’s 30 Best Workplaces in Manufacturing – 2021
BM Intimation Q3FY21-Fund raising
Q1FY17 Results Newspaper
Coal Linkage Intimation
Investor Conference 7th June 2016
Investor Call Q3FY21
SE Intimation Increase in FII Limit
Newspaper BM intimation Q3FY21
Investor Meeting - 07 Dec 2020
Board Meeting - 3rd Dec 2020
Analysts call - 3rd Dec 2020
Investor Meet June 17
Investor Meet 22nd August
Investor Meet 11 12 Sept.
BM Intimation September 2017 Quarter
Q3 BM Intimation
Newspaper Postal Ballot
Q3 BM Intimation Newspaper
Q3FY18 Results Newspaper
Postal Ballot Newspaper
Q3 Investor meet invite
Investor meet 5 Feb 18
SE Intimation Increase in FII limit
Investor Meet 260218.
Media Release CCI approval
Board Meeting intimation Q4FY18
Newspaper Financial Results
Investor meet 110618
NCLAT Order Update 2507
Q1FY19 BM Intimation
Investor Meet 24 25 July
Investor Meet 30 07 18
Century CCI Approval
Resignation D D Rathi
Investor Meet 010818
Postal Ballot ESOS Newspaper Notice
Investor Meet 19 09 18
Newspaper Add Q2FY19 BM
Newspaper Financial Results Q2FY19
Appointment of Mr Kailash Chandra Jhanwar as Whole time director
Intimation of Board Meeting January 02-2019
Newspaper Financial Results
Newspaper BM Notice
Investor Meeting 08-02-2019
Investor Meet 11-12 Feb
Investor Meet 14-03-2019
Investor Meet 13-03-2019
Investor Meet 15-03-2019
BM Intimation letter
Q4FY19 Results newspaper
Investor Call Intimation Q4FY19
Investor Meeting 07.05.19.
AGM and Book Closure Intimation
Investor Meet 3 June 2019
Board Intimation Q1FY20
Investor call intimation Q1FY20
BM Newspaper Intimation1.08.2019.
Investor Meet Intimation 02.03.16
Commission of Grinding Units 19 04 16
Stock Exchange Intimation-31.03.16
Board Meeting Intimation 25.04.16
Investor Meet 02.02.2016
Intimation of Schedule Meet
Company Update
Conference Call Intimation Q3FY16 Results
Investor meet letter dated 11th December, 2015
CCI update dated 11th December, 2015
Stock Exchange Resignation of Mr. M Damodaran
IntimationInvestorMeeting 23.10.2024.pdf
GST Letter - 15.10.2024.pdf
Reg30 Indore High Court Order.pdf
Stock Exchange Intimation_Increase in share capital.pdf
Newspaper Advertisement Postal Ballot.pdf
RAKWCT Acquisition - 06.11.24.pdf
Investor Meeting 11082023
Magdalla Capacity
Vibrant Acquisition Disclosure
AGM Proceedings 11.08.2023
Board meeting intimation Q2 FY25.pdf
Investor Meeting 16082023
Shareholding Pattern - 31.12.2024
Shareholding Pattern 30.09.2024
Clause 35 - 30.06.2024 UTCL
Shareholding Pattern-31.12.2023
SHP- 30.09.2023
Shareholding Pattern 30.06.2023
Shareholding Pattern 31-March-2023
Shareholding Pattern 31.12.2022
As on 30th June 2016
As on 31 December 2019
Shareholding Pattern 30.06.2021
Shareholding Pattern 30.09.2021
Shareholding Pattern 30.09.2022
Shareholding Pattern 30.06.2022
As on 30th June 2019
Shareholding Pattern 31.03.2022
Shareholding Pattern - 31.12.2021
As on 31 March 2020
Shareholding Pattern 31.03.2021
Sh Pattern -31.12.2020
Shareholding Pattern - 30.09.2020
Shareholding Pattern 30.06.2020
As on 16 october 2019
As on 30 September 2019
As at 31st March 2019
As on 31st December 2018
As on 30th September 2018
As on 30th June 2018
Clause 31st March 2018
As on 31st December 2017
As on 30th September 2017
As on 30th June 2017
As on 31st March 2017
As on 31st December 2016
Clause 30th Sept 2016
As on 31st March 2016
As on 31st December 2015